Pottering and potting

Whoop! The sun’s out! Finally….. apparently only briefly, so I’ve given some attention to my poor, little neglected garden today. With all the rain we’ve been having my plants are threatening to take over the city…. I valiantly attacked them with secateurs and swept and weeded and pottered about until I started to see some glimmers of order.

I favour…. in most things, a bit of the shabby, disorganised and unkempt, although this can be very charming it’s a state that toes the line of complete disintegration and chaos if you don’t apply at least some effort, but it does allow for beautiful, happy accidents too, as things take on a life of their own.

It’s this tension that I like in gardening, encouraging nature to do its thing, but reigning it back here and there.

There are some beautiful little bits in the garden at the moment….

like these gorgeous little “Heavenly Blue” flowers, every time I see them I marvel at the colour and that something so bright and gorgeous has grown there quietly in front of the house.

My little garden used to be my absolute pride and joy; and I filled it with flowers, but since money’s tight at the moment I haven’t got much to spare on compost and seeds etc so the ‘wild look’ might have to continue for a while with odd bit of loveliness here and there.

I love this plant… I think it’s a ‘California Lilac’ and I’d seen it growing around and about last spring and loved the amazing blue flowers…. I had planned on stealing a cutting from somewhere, but found this little version for a couple of pounds in the supermarket. I hope that I can pot it on after it has flowered and that it will be a new feature here for the next few years.

Pretty things aside…. my tomato and pepper plants had been begging to be re-potted so I finally got around to that today, I hope they’ve not suffered too much from being kept in the little pots so long.

Since I have little space, my kitchen window serves as a ‘nursery’ greenhouse and potting shed :)

and now the big tomatoes and peppers have been moved into the attic room there’s space for the ‘Mini Bell’ tomatoes and courgettes to grow a bit bigger and stronger

That smell, when you brush your hands on tomato leaves….. a sort of warm, fuzzy, green smell is really nostalgic for me. My dad used to grow a green house full of tomato plants every year. As a child I’d go down the garden with Daddy b to close the greenhouse windows and keep the plants warm for the night, every evening before I went to bed. The smell of tomatoes takes me right back there and brings a lovely warm smile to my face :)

Gardening was a lovely thing that Daddy b handed down to me and although I’m nothing close to the amazing gardener that he was it brings so much pleasure.

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